Only one current Caucus Committee member who is eligible to be President in 2024-25 per Caucus Bylaws is willing to serve. This person is also the most qualified. The other Officers all have the requisite skills, experience, and willingness to effectively execute their roles. Lacking clear direction in the Bylaws on how to proceed after the Spring Meeting, the Caucus Committee decided these Committee members will best lead the Caucus in 2024-25 to sustain its mission.
Over the last five years, the Caucus Committee has recommended over a hundred volunteers who capably served (and are capably serving) Lake Forest. All our candidates for elected positions have been decisively elected, and re-elected, by Lake Forest residents. The hard work of these volunteers has helped make Lake Forest the best run city in Illinois with extraordinary resident satisfaction as confirmed by a recent city survey. This tremendous success is achieved by effective Caucus leadership, and the contributions from 43 elected Caucus Committee members.
The Caucus Officer team is committed to lead the Caucus Committee forward to do the work which has served Lake Forest well for over 90 years: recruit, interview, and recommend highly qualified Lake Forest residents to serve, without personal agenda, bias or politics, on city and school board elected offices and city appointed governmental boards and commissions.
Please join me in supporting this highly qualified and dedicated 2024-25 Caucus Officer team.
We are pleased to announce the candidates for the 2024-25 Lake Forest Caucus Committee. Ballots will arrive via mail the third week of March, and must be postmarked by April 2. Information about the candidates is available on the website.
You are invited to meet and talk with Caucus Committee candidates and current Caucus Committee members on Saturday, March 9th from 8:30am to 10:30am at Gorton Center. Learn more about Caucus Committee activities, including our School Board Search, and provide welcome feedback.
Please join us in this casual setting to mingle over coffee and donuts. Caucus Committee candidates from all 4 Wards will be present during these times:
Look for the Caucus Committee ballot mailing, called the Caucus Connection, in your mail in the second week of March! Please VOTE and return your choices for Caucus Committee members postmarked by April 2nd.
We hope to see you on March 9th!
The Caucus Preservation Act (“CPA”) is an amendment to the Caucus Bylaws to preserve the Caucus’ objective and transparent process that has made Lake Forest municipal government free from agenda-based politics for 90 years.
Lake Forest residents elect their Caucus Committee representatives to objectively find, vet, and recommend the most qualified, agenda-free volunteers to serve on city boards and commissions and elected positions including mayor, city council, and school board.
Yes, you can still vote for any candidate of your choice in any general election. You can still vote for Caucus members to represent your interests in the Caucus candidate selection process. You can still run as a candidate in any general election.
An election in the spring governed by the Illinois State Board of Elections in which a Lake Forest registered voter can vote for any Lake Forest municipal government (city council or mayor) or school board candidate, Caucus endorsed or otherwise.
Typically, less than 1% of Lake Forest registered voters attend a Caucus annual meeting. Self-serving individuals can exploit a small turnout to adversely influence our elections to serve their own agenda, thereby undermining the Caucus mission.
No. The elected representatives on the Caucus Committee can hold a public vote on any matter as and when necessary to best serve the residents of Lake Forest and support the Caucus process.
Every resident in Lake Forest.
The effectiveness of Lake Forest municipal government and school boards can be compromised by groups or individuals with self-serving agendas. This is one of the main risks the Caucus process mitigates.
The CPA also allows the appointment of qualified Officers to lead the Caucus without disruption. Officers are appointed by Caucus Committee members who themselves are elected by the residents to represent their interests. Committee members know who among Committee members are the best qualified and experienced to support the Caucus mission as Officers.
Removes a Ward Chair’s service from counting against the 3-year term limit of serving as an Officer on the Executive Committee.
Allows for the Spring Meeting to be held in March or April to provide more flexibility in scheduling.
The proposed Caucus Bylaw amendments can be found HERE.
After a ⅔ favorable vote at the Caucus Annual Meeting on November 7th, 2023 at Gorton Center.
The Lake Forest Caucus mission is to find, vet, and recommend the best candidates to serve the City and its residents in our municipal government and school boards without personal or other pre-established agendas.
The Caucus Preservation Act (“CPA”) is an amendment to the Caucus Bylaws to preserve the Caucus’ objective and transparent process that has made Lake Forest municipal government free from agenda-based politics for 90 years.
As typically less than 1% of Lake Forest registered voters attend a Caucus Annual Meeting, individuals can exploit a small turnout to adversely influence our elections to serve their own agendas, thereby undermining the Caucus mission. The CPA shields the Caucus mission and process from such manipulative behavior.
Since Lake Forest residents vote for their Caucus Committee representatives, and also for their chosen candidate in a general election, a third, easily manipulated Caucus candidate ratification vote is not needed for residents to have sufficient opportunity to influence the election of their municipal government officials. Given the consistently very low turnout of residents for Caucus candidate ratification votes at a Caucus Annual Meeting, there is no reason to believe a vote at this meeting has been or will be representative of a large portion of the Lake Forest community.
The Caucus Committee operates on a short timeline to search for, vet, and recommend qualified candidates for elected positions. This timeline is dictated by the Illinois State Board of Elections. It is impractical to codify in its processes a timeline whereby a candidate search, vetting, and recommendation process must be repeated multiple times.
The Caucus process has served our community for 90 years as a primary driver for the quality of life we all enjoy in Lake Forest. Please support the Caucus in its mission to keep agendas out of Lake Forest municipal government. Vote in favor of the Caucus Preservation Act on November 7th at the Caucus’ Annual Meeting at the Gorton Center. The proposed Caucus Bylaw amendments can be found HERE. Frequently Asked Questions about the CPA can be found HERE. Please feel free to reach out to a Caucus Committee member with any questions.
Gorton Center
Vote from 4 to 8:30pm
Presentation from 6 to 7:15pm
Prior to consideration for adoption, recommended Bylaw amendment(s) shall be reported to Caucus membership. Proposed Bylaw amendments found HERE.
Registered Lake Forest voters can approve or reject:
To vote:
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Review and recommend funding for all operational priorities of the City, including but not limited to the Annual Operating Budget, Annual Appropriation Ordinance, Annual Tax Levy Ordinance, and other policies and procedures applicable to the financial health and systems of the City.
Highlights include two significant bond refinancings that had the City’s investment grade credit rating reaffirmed, helping the City continue providing high quality services to its residents as cost effectively as possible.
Works with City staff to provide guidance, oversight and recommendations to city council that concern maintaining and enhancing infrastructure, facilities and equipment, following the City’s Capital Improvement Program, Capital Equipment Program, existing ordinances and fiscal policies while minimizing disruption to residents and communicating with them.
Significant recent public works projects include stormwater mitigation across the City (particularly North Western Avenue and Deer Path Road), creating artificial turf playing fields behind Deer Path Middle School, stabilizing Forest Park Beach’s bluff, entering into expense sharing agreement with State of Illinois that allows the City to take better care of Route 60 and Waukegan Road during the Winter and maximizing grant programs to reduce City taxpayer burden of infrastructure costs.
Assess City’s inventory of land, buildings and related improvements to determine whether enhancement, disposal or acquisition of public lands, buildings and other assets of the City is warranted, in a manner that serves the public interest, protects the health and safety of the community, enhances the quality of life, and preserves the character and traditions of community.
Highlights include the acquisition of the Joytime pre-school property, allowing the City to expand West Park while protecting integral underground infrastructure.
Copyright © 2025 Lake Forest Caucus Committee • 736 N. Western Ave, Suite 256 • Lake Forest, IL 60045 • info@lakeforestcaucus.com